
(+49) 4273 9637729


FOSSER ● Premium Special R 5W-30 ● 208l

Hersteller: FOSSER
Produktnummer: 1010208l
Preis L / St.: 11.21€

2.774,69€  1.387,34€
Nettopreis: 2.331,67€  1.165,84€

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FOSSER Premium Special R 5W-30 is a synthetic high-performance low-friction engine oil with low sulphur, ash and phosphorus content (low-SAP oil). Base oils produced with the latest synthesis technology and carefully chosen high-performance additives help reduce the sulphated ash content and guarantee reliable wear protection and keep the engine clean. Excellent cold start behaviour ensures optimum lubrication during the cold start phase. The product provides reliable protection under extreme conditions and high temperatures.

FOSSER Premium Special R 5W-30 s recommended for use under all operating conditions and helps protect the environment as it reduces harmful emissions.


FOSSER Premium Special R 5W-30 has been specially developed for use in Renault diesel engines with particle filter (DPF). Do not use in 2.2dCi / G9T engines!
Prolongs the service life of the exhaust gas aftertreatment system and enhances its performance.




Renault RN 0720, MB 226.51


Hochtemperatur-Viskosität 30
Niedrigtemperatur-Viskosität 5W
Zusammensetzung synthetisch
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